As a forwarder, ITALIANSPED has implemented the provisions of the latest 2019 edition of the ADR agreement regarding the transport of dangerous goods. It appointed its ADR consultant on 19th June 2023.
Implementation involves an initial mapping of active company procedures and their periodic review: the consultant shall perform this procedure on an ongoing basis to ensure compliance with regulations.
To perform their tasks, ADR consultants must possess the appropriate professional training certificate issued by the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport: this requires that they pass an exam. The ADR license is valid in all EU countries and must be renewed every 5 years, again by passing an exam.
The obligation for forwarders to appoint an ADR safety consultant comes in addition to previous provisions, which required that all companies whose business includes shipment of dangerous goods by road (be they waste, raw materials or finished products, as per section of the ADR) appoint one or more ADR consultants.
The new regulations in the European ADR agreement, in force since 1st January 2019, aim to strengthen risk prevention for people, goods and the environment with regard to the shipping/road transport of dangerous goods and packing, loading, filling or unloading tasks.